Media Releases

NNTC Appoints New CEO

The Chair of The National Native Title Council (NNTC), Ms Francine McCarthy, today welcomed Jamie Lowe to the position of Chief Executive Officer.

“Jamie is a Djabwurrung man and a former CEO of the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation in the South West region of Victoria,” said Ms McCarthy.

“Jamie has worked in the native title sector for a number of years and has significant experience in the native title sector. He is also a director of the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations and advocates for the rights of traditional owners within the State of Victoria.

“Jamie was also the previous Chair of the NNTC having been elected to the position when he first joined the NNTC Board”

“The NNTC is the national peak body for native title representative bodies, service providers and Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), and Jamie will bring a fresh perspective and energy to the role of CEO,” said Ms McCarthy.

The NNTC has recently opened up its membership to PBCs and Traditional Owner Corporations and having Jamie leading the organisation will help shape the NNTC and the native title sector through a period of significant growth and transition of empowerment to Traditional Owners across the country.

“The NNTC executive as well as the broader Council membership is excited to welcome Jamie to the position and looks forward to a future of exciting opportunities for the native title sector.

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